Saturday, March 18, 2006

Shared calendar

I fed up with the fact that my calendar content is distributed between several Exchange and web based calendar services, and maintaining the sync between them is quite a time consuming task. So, I set up a centralized calendar service by using WebDAV, iCalendar and Mozilla Calendar. My method was:

1. As I run a private Debian Linux/Apache 1.3 web server, I chose the mod_dav method. Downloaded the mod_dav sources. In order to compile, the apache-dev package must have been present:

apt-get install apache-dev

Then, the

configure --with-apxs

command worked.

2. Followed the info in the INSTALL file. The httpd.conf addition that worked for me was:

LoadModule dav_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/
AddModule mod_dav.c
DAVLockDB /tmp/DAVLock


mod_alias.c />.....
Alias /dav /home/httpd/dav

/dav /> AuthType Basic
AuthName "WebDAV"
AuthUserFile /> DAV on
AllowOverride None
Options None
GET HEAD OPTIONS /> Require user /> /> />.....

3. Then, set up the Mozilla Calendar by the info here.

Voila, I have a centrally stored calendar. I will set up "several" clients bound to the stored calendar file, one for my office, and a web interface for remote access when travelling. My calendar integrity is ensured, and I won't not miss a birthday any more :)