Code Generator Wizard Guide for Eclipse Plug-in
If you encounter the following problem:
then it means that not all the necessary jar files are available: either not packaged in the plugin download or they are missing from the plugin.xml.
Do the following (this particular solution worked for me, this or a similar one should also work for you):
1. Download the following jar files:
and save them to eclipse/plugins/[Axis2 Codegen Wizard]/lib (replace [Axis2 Codegen Wizard] with the real plugin directory).
2. Add to the eclipse/plugins/[Axis2 Codegen Wizard]/plugin.xml the followings (to the <runtime> element), if they are missing:
<library name="lib/stax-api-1.0.1.jar">
<export name="*"/>
<library name="lib/backport-util-concurrent-3.1.jar">
<export name="*"/>
3. Restart Eclipse:
eclipse -clean
If you still have problems, then open eclipse/plugins/[Axis2 Codegen Wizard]/plugin.xml, and figure out which jar files are still missing. Use for download locations of the missing files.
Links discussing the same problem:
Developing Web Services Using Apache Axis2 Eclipse Plugins
Blogs from Iterox - used this method to track down the problem
small fix: close the 'export' nodes
<export name="*"/>
Thank you very much!!!
It worked like a gem!!!
Thanks again!!!!!!
It works...
it worked generating files but created another issue.
after Generating files it throws the below error org.apache.axis2.databinding.utils.writer.mtomawarexmlstreamwriter cannot be resolved to type
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